

Hiring a PR pro is not inexpensive and for good reason.


  1. You are paying for a publicists hard earned connections with all types of media.
  2. Relationships are what gets you press.
  3. As a business owner you are busy doing what you do well. It’s hard to balance.

Our Communication Strategy Template and DIY PR Kits  are full of expertise and How To’s. You don’t have to do it all. Choose what is important to you based on your audience and what you do. We are adding more every week, so if you don’t see your professional, sign up for a notification when your profession will be available. All DIY PR KITS are $99 each. Hiring a PR professional costs at a minimum $2k a month, with 6-9 month minimum. By the way, all of the DIY PR Kits are free to those who have a yearly license to use our media database.