

PR Guru Cyndy Hoenig started posting PR tips on Twitter in 2009.  In 2016, she put 806 of them in a free ebook on free-ebook.net. She was the #1 download that year. We are posting the tips, 806 PR TIPS IN 140 CHARACTERS, 20 at a time and placing them all in the blog category ‘PR Tips’.  Remember these were tweets, so there will be abbreviated words.

21. Apply for an award. Check local biz journals, chambers.

22. Appreciate at least one person daily by email, twitter, FB, phone. #Karma.

23. Are you monitoring your presence on Twitter? Try TweetBeep – Google alerts for Twitter.

24. Are you prepared w/facts & figures so you can respond to a PR crisis quickly?

25. Are you ready to handle the media’s questions — no matter what they are?

26. Are your news releases objective? Backed by facts & figures? Focused on 1 or 2 main ideas?

27. As a marketing tool, news releases are only as valuable as the keywords & phrases that are contained in them.

28. As you increase your network, remember follow up is key – b-day, thank you, thinking of you, holiday cards.

29. Assume your audience is inundated w/info and ask, what’s different about my message?

30. Attract followers in your target market. Why care about 1000’s of followers who don’t care about what you have to say?

31. B4 you pitch, do your homework, watch TV, read several issues of magazines & blogs & a week’s worth of newspapers.

32. Bad PR? Respond immediately. Never lie. Media are trained to investigate. They WILL find the truth. Just ask #BillClinton, #TigerWoods or any member of Congress.

33. Be authentic. Email messages should read as if you’re telling a story. On the phone? Relax.

34. Be briefed on current events. Always. You’ll be able to converse w/ any CEO.

35. Be honest with journalists & reporters. They know. They make their living talking to people.

36. Be humble. Journalists & bloggers need content to fill their pages, but arrogance will get you nowhere.

37. Be proactive. Network weekly. Plan to meet at least one new person a week. You’ll see results.

38. Be productive. Reach out to new clients and friends. Look w/in your circle for a connection. You’ll see results.

39. Be realistic about when the media will cover you. Lead times vary & media outlets can have a one-day to 4-month window.

40. Be thankful for every mention your company receives. There is no such thing as a small hit.