
Your elevator pitch is a synopsis, a capsule that draws attention to who you are, what you do and how you benefit others — in less than 10 seconds. Think of it as your verbal business card. Let’s discuss how to perfect your 10 second elevator pitch.

Perfecting your elevator pitch helps you explain yourself clearly and powerfully. How you speak concisely and confidently about what makes you or your service unique will make a big difference in creating a positive first impression.

Say you’re on an elevator with the CEO of a company you’ve been trying to land for over a year. So far, you’ve been unable to get past his gatekeeper. You have less than 10 seconds to sell him. You must create a dynamic first impression, get to second base, and a formal meeting.

10 critical points to write a sure-fire elevator pitch.

  1. Is your pitch unique? Can anyone else offer what your company offers?
  2. Is it relevant to your audience? Unique is good, but unique things without relevancy don’t stick around too long.
  3. Does it motivate your audience to ‘take action’? This is the true test. After hearing your elevator speech, does a person want to continue the conversation?
  4. Do you have the support to back it up should your audience choose to continue?
  5. Can you say it in10 seconds?
  6. Preparation is key to confidence. Make sure it is on the tip of your tongue. Practice it, preferably while riding an elevator.
  7. Does it solve a problem? Don’t just offer a suite of services. If you’re selling shovels, your customer only cares about the hole it can dig, he doesn’t care about the type of materials it’s made of.
  8. Do not fill it with marketing fluff. Your prospect will run.
  9. Does it contain a call for action? Give your listener something to do with the information you’ve just delivered. Seize on clear steps or suggestions.
  10. Finally, be concise. Your goal is to get another meeting. In the words of Winston Churchill, “Be clear. Be brief. Be seated.”


“I am a PR strategist and I make people famous.” ~ Cyndy Hoenig

“I am a communication strategist and I create desired outcome roadmaps.” ~ Margaret Croom

The 30-60-90 Second Elevator Speech:

  1. Identify your goal: Determine the purpose of your elevator speech. Are you trying to introduce yourself, sell a product or service, or obtain funding for a project? Knowing your goal will help you craft a speech that is focused and relevant.
  2. Keep it concise: Your speech should be no more than 30-60-90 seconds long. Use clear and simple language, avoid jargon or technical terms, and focus on the most important aspects of your message.
  3. Start with a hook: Begin your speech with a catchy or memorable opening statement that grabs the listener’s attention. This can be a question, a surprising fact, or a statement that addresses a common problem.
  4. Highlight your value proposition: Explain what you or your business does and how it solves a specific problem or meets a need. Emphasize the benefits of your product or service and why it’s better than the competition.
  5. Use examples or stories: Illustrate your message with specific examples or stories that help bring your pitch to life. This can help the listener connect with your message on a deeper level.
  6. End with a call to action: Finish your speech with a clear call to action, such as a request for a follow-up meeting or a suggestion to visit your website. Make it easy for the listener to take the next step and continue the conversation.
  7. Practice, practice, practice: Practice your elevator speech until it feels natural and flows smoothly. This will help you deliver your message confidently and effectively, even in unexpected situations.

Margaret Croom’s Elevator Speech:

I am a communication strategist and I create desired outcome roadmaps. An outcome roadmap is a strategic plan that outlines the specific steps and milestones required to achieve a desired outcome or goal. It provides a clear, actionable plan for how to get from the current state to the desired future state.

My outcome roadmap may include specific strategies or tactics that will be employed to reach your desired outcome. By breaking down a complex outcome into smaller, achievable milestones, an outcome roadmap will help you and your team stay focused and motivated, and makes it easier to measure progress and adjust course as needed.


Remember, an effective elevator speech should be tailored to your audience and focused on the key benefits or value that you offer. By following these steps and practicing your speech, you can create a powerful message that captures the attention of your listeners and helps you achieve your goals.


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