
In order to effectively conduct a publicity campaign, you need a Press Kit. Media Kits are also Press Kits, however, most of the time Media Kits are on sites where you need analytics along with accomplishments.  Those downloadable ‘one sheet pages’ you’d typically find on sites that you want to do business with, opposed to write a story about.  The terms are used interchangeably. Below are tips of how to create a press kit, both a print and online version. The online version needs to be downloadable too.

A press kit is a page on your website that contains all your promotional materials and resources for your business. A good press kit will give journalists quick and easily digestible info about your product or business as well as photos or any marketing materials they can use. Think of the highlights or main message you want to use to promote your business and include quotes or statistics to back this up.

A press kit isn’t just useful for the press, it’s also useful for possible investors, partners or bloggers and influencers. That’s why it’s always best to add important info that’s useful for everyone along with more specific info depending on your target market and goals.

The press kit should contain the following items:

  1. Company Fact Sheet
  2. Backgrounder
  3. Biography
  4. Press Release
  5. Testimonials
  6. Publicity reprints
  7. Your most recent press release

Fact Sheet

  • Description of company
  • When you were founded
  • Company history
  • Description of key products  and services
  • Listing of special achievements / awards
  • Listing of company headquarters address and contact information (Website, etc.)
  • Number of employees
  • Listing of all locations

Company Backgrounder

Depending on the other press materials, this information can include in-depth industry information (especially for a new or rapidly changing industry), or more information on the  company or its origins.


Biographies provide the media with additional information about key personnel. The CEO/ President and other media contacts or key individuals should have biographies. This information should be no more than one page. A comprehensive bio includes:

  • Name
  • Title
  • List of responsibilities, education, awards, professional affiliations, community involvement, personal information (optional).


Ask every satisfied client for a testimonial. Most are happy to oblige. Be sure and use them. On your website version, include video testimonials as well.

Publicity Reprints

Include your most recent news items. All items, no matter how small, should be copied and kept in a clip book for future use. Or, put your book in your office lobby for clients and prospects to look through while they’re waiting to see you.

Press Release

You can also include a press release on a current “hot” product/service, to provide a possible angle for the media.